Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I did not make ANY resolutions this year. Do I have to make the same ones every year just to fall off the wagon? You already know them. If you are a woman, you know what #1 is. Lose weight....get healthy....eat better....workout more.......blah blah blah!!!!

Christmas day, I was knocked down with some kind of sickness. The only thing that I can think of is that I may have had too much sugar. My stomach was so torn up. Four days later I was able to get out of bed. Since then I have cut my sugar intake by 90%. Me. I am a sugar freak. I don't need someone to tell me why I need to lose weight. I like quick foods, cookies, etc. However, enough is enough. That may have been a stomach bug that I had but it scared me. So since Christmas day, I have lost 7 pounds. Just by cutting sugar. Do I sneak something that I shouldn't from time to time? Uh-YEAH.

I am re-starting the workout program TurboFire. When I got sick, it was hard to get back to it with the kids home for break. FINE....it's an excuse. Let's move on...cheesh!

If you are like me, I want the weight to be gone...YESTERDAY. It feels like such a S-L-O-W process. I have cut out snacking and sugar. So I should be losing...what...like 3 pounds a week, right? WELL WHY NOT?

I am reading labels now too. Anything that has really low or no sugar is ok for me. So I have a recipe that saves me. Here it is!

Grape Salad

        8 oz of fat free cream cheese
        1/2 cup of fat free sour cream
         1 cup splenda
         lots of purple grapes (whole bag...washed)

WOW.....yummy. YOUR WELCOME!
What are you doing to get healthy for you. For your family. Do tell.

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